50.000 m2
in 9 days
6 mln m2
in 12 years
Over 50 contracts
during one year
The largest jointless slabs -
running for up to 65 meters
Fibre System enjoys a good tradition dating back to the year 2002. Our company was founded on the basis of experience, engineers, and machines acquired from the Broos Industrial Floors company. which at the time had more than 20 years of experience in the field of construction of concrete floors. Many years of experience within the scope of comprehensive design and implementation of floors allowed us not only to gather a team of professionals, but also to gain knowledge and skills in the area of the most effective implementation of industrial floors on all kinds of sites.
Engineering Team
2 engineers for each project.
Comprehensive logistical support
of investments - Design & Build
The Best Materials
Fibre System offers a wide range of concrete floors: uncut slabs (jointless floors) and slabs with a hardened surface.
Standard slabs are executed according to DIN 18 202. The very narrow aisle slabs are executed according to DIN 15 185 or TR 34 category 1: Automatic high storage systems.
Our mission is to achieve the expectations of our clients in the most competent and professional way. Together, we seek to create a kind
of construction reality, which will allow us to develop technical solutions that are not only functional but also economically optimal.
Since Fibre System was established, more than 150 Clients, including companies and international corporations have taken advantage
of our knowledge and experience. All of these strengths transform into the quality of our work and are the guarantee for our customers.
Our management and staff have many years of experience in this field and our specialized equipment and tools ensure the execution
of contracted work at the highest technical level. With this professional approach to our contracted projects we have gained the reputation of a solid and trustworthy partner . Our head office and technical warehouse facilities are located in Warsaw, but our services are provided throughout the country as well as abroad.
General warranty conditions
Instructions of use
See how we work
FIBRE Company presentation
JYSK Radomsko project
Boeing 787 Dreamliner maintenance hangar project
See other videos on our YouTube channel
Our Clients
ProLogis, Sanplast, TOYOTA, Tesco, McLane, Europa Park Mszczonów, Lyreco, Fiege, KONE, Diamond Business Park, Sanden, Phillip Morris, Alliance Logistic Center, Elektrolux, Stomil Michelin, Goodyear, EURINPRO, Factory Outlet, Jysk, Polifarb Pilawa, Saint Gobain Sekurit, FM Logistic, JOHNSON Controls, Coca Cola, SCA Hygienics, Segro, Italmetal, ZETKAMA, Caterpilar, Cadbury, Indesit, Raben, Gorenje, Jago, Procter & Gamble, Cisowianka Nałęczów, JOST, Goodman, Kingspan, Euroglass, Sarantis, Kongskilde, Mondi, Arena Łodź, Steico, Kaufland, Japan Tobaco Inc, Decathlon, Polomarket, Wacker Neuson, Stadion Narodowy, IKEA, Dawtona, Selgros, Johnsons Controls, Akzonobel, OSM Ryki, Wittchen, Morski Park Handlowy, Darco, Anita, Castorama, Bricoman, Brembo, Samsung Wronki, Witek, Argip, Stihl, Intercars, Polomarket, Maspex, GTV, Amica, Alstom, Recaro, Delphi, Cisowianka, Indesit, TBAI, Agata Meble, 7R logistic, Telefonika, FlexiLink, Investa, Media Expert, Faurecia, Maspex, Cargotec, Bosh, OBI, Loreal, AIG, JAS FG, Black Red White, IPP Frantschach, Cefarm, White Eagle Aviation, Selt, Porta, PoolSpa, Millenium Logistic Park, Hormann, Cersanit, Steinpol, Opoczno, Biuro Inwestycji Kapitałowych, Cezar
500 contracts in 12 years
Our main benefits:
Super efficiency - 50.000m2 in 9 days
Engineering Team- 2 engineers for every project
2 full teams working in parallel
Comprehensive logistical support
of investments - Design & Build Slabs
- 3 teams
- Machinery facilities – 4 machines - the largest amount in Poland
LASER SCREED machines - from U.S. company SOMERO
We have the only lightweight S-840 machine available in Poland with the capability to work on pre-casted panels.
Knowledge and experience - Technical knowledge:
- The executive project
- Theoretical knowledge supported by , many years of daily experience
- Concept – jointless slabs
Knowledge resulting from practice
Cracks or scratches in concrete slabs
oncrete slabs acting as concrete bases are widely used in construction. Due to the increased demand for large warehouse and production spaces, there has been a significant increase in the specific use of the concrete slab –after being polished mechanically and hardened/cured superficially - as a finished functional surface.
Source: „Inżynier Budownictwa”, December 2012\
Lifting of concrete slab edges- Curling/Warping
Zjawisko zmiany płaskości posadzki w wyniku paczenia płyty betonowej na brzegach dylatacji konstrukcyjnych i pozornych (nacinanych) ma decydujący wpływ na użytkowanie posadzki oraz zniszczenie wózków widłowych w tracie użytkowania. Zjawisko paczenia się brzegów płyty betonowej (curlingu) związane jest z nierównomiernym skurczem górnej i dolnej warstwy płyty (górna na skutek innych warunków dojrzewania podlega odmiennemu skurczowi niż dolna).
Source: „Materiały Budowlane”, September 2007
Hairline cracks in industrial slabs- Crazing
Spękania ze względu na ich przyczynę (osuszenie górnej warstwy, zawierającej większą ilość cementu) nie występują w głębszych partiach betonu. Rzeczywista skala spękań najczęściej ujawniona zostaje dopiero po rozpoczęciu użytkowania posadzki (na skutek normalnego zużycia) oraz kiedy w rysach uwidocznił się brud.
Source: „Materiały Budowlane”, September 2013
Construction of jointless slabs on concrete piles
Posadzki beznacięciowe (bezspoinowe), realizowane od kilku lat także w Polsce, maja wiele właściwości, dzięki którym coraz większa liczba inwestorów decyduje się zapłacić większe pieniądze w trakcie budowy i ograniczyć znacznie koszty użytkowanie posadzek. Artykuł omawia zastosowanie posadzek bezspoinowych na terenie wzmocnionym betonowymi palami o dł. 8m.
Source: „Materiały Budowlane”, September 2010
Structural fibres reinforcement concrete (SRFC) – jointless slabs
W ostatnich latach posadzki bezspoinowe stały się bardzo popularne nie tylko w Polsce. Ich niepodważalne zalety powodują, że coraz więcej inwestorów decyduje się na na nie w swoich magazynach i halach fabrycznych.Posadzka w magazynie to jedno z najbardziej newralgicznych miejsc i bardzo często jest tym elementem budowli, który przysparza użytkownikowi poważnych problemów eksploatacyjnych.
Source: „Materiały Budowlane”, January 2010
・Slab defects
・Floor cleaning
・Floor polishing
・Joint- filling services Dilatation fulfillment service
・Fissuring of concrete for the mounting of system
・Minor construction work, creation of drain channels, installation of plumbing
・Combination of flexible panels prefabricated ceilings.
・Slab cutting
・Repairs and replacement of drain channels.
・Construction disasters.
・Implementation and repair of waterproofing.
・Reviews on the state of quality of the slabs, extension of the warranty, maintenance.
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Fibre System Sp. z o.o.
Jutrzenki 118 Str.
02-230 Warszawa
phone: +48 22 270 12 40
e-mail: biuro@fibre.pl